Friday 4 April 2014

Hello ALL

Hello, everyone! My name is Misty, but you may call me Mistress Misty (or Miss Misty, if you're nasty ; ) - a little Janet Jackson reference for you all). I've always wanted to write a blog, but never really had a central theme, if you will, to base it around. My life was interesting enough, but did the internet really need another blog written by an artistic, funny, charming young lady? What about an artistic, funny, charming young lady who was also a natural born DOMME? THAT'S the kind of blog the internet needs more of, in my opinion. So, here we are. I'm going to be posting pictures, thoughts, links and maybe a couple sexy songs here and there. I love discovering new music, and if we happen to share the same musical tastes well then, lucky you! It's a little dream of mine to have all my slaves and pets to have a Miss Misty playlist on their iTunes someday. Something you guys and gals can listen to while you dream about me ; ) So hopefully we'll have us some laughs. Maybe some boners will be created. Joints will be smoked, posts will be written. Am I even making sense anymore? I'm a couple beers deep and I'm unsure how to end this. So, I guess I just... will. Oh, and as I get the hang of this whole "internet networking" thing, I'll start adding links to my Google+ profile, Tumblr,, and my wishlists and what not to make my blog OH SO USER FRIENDLY! I'm excited, you guys! This is going to be fun! Mwah! 'Til next time, Miss Misty ♥